Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pelatihan Untuk Pencapaian Usaha yang Maksimal di Enagic dengan "Building People Life's Community" (BPLC)

Saya sangat yakin sekali sesungguhnya Tuhan menciptakan manusia mempunyai potensi yang sangat luar biasa di setiap individu yang ada di dunia. Pada saat mereka tidak menyadari kekuatan potensi ini di karenakan 2 hal: tidak punya kesempatan dan tidak tahu caranya.

Kalo setiap dari diri kita punya kesempatan dan tahu caranya untuk membuat perubahan hidup untuk keluarganya bagaimana dengan mendapatkan pendapatan 100 juta per bulan misalnya ? Hal ini akan menjadi hal yang sangat luar biasa.

Dengan adanya "Building People Life's Community" kami memfasilitasi bagi siapapun untuk setiap orang ingin mencapai potensi diri yang maksimal atas dasar kemauan yang harus datang dari diri sendiri untuk sebuah perubahan yang positif.

Winning Speech

Okinawa Speech June 2013

Triyadi Joko Cahyadi



Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

your Excellency Mr. Hinori Oshiro and Mr. Koichiro Higa,

all leaders from all over the world,

it is my great pleasure and honor to be here to represent my country, Indonesia, to achieve this award.

11 years ago, I worked as a waiter at 5 stars hotel in Jakarta Indonesia. I was just an ordinary person. A person without a vision, without a dream and I never had any plan for my future. I was just an employee working from 9 to 5 for a living and I was satisfied with my life.

Until I met this man, my brother and my partner, when I decided to start all over again from scratch after a long journey. I didn’t think I would be able to start, if I did not have his support, his believe and his trust in me. He is more than a partner or a friend. He’s a brother, he’s truly a gentleman. Without him I would not be here today, (Ladies and Gentleman, please give all a round of applause, to all my leader). And I also thank to the One, to the master plan that got us together to be here today.

Not forgetting my 6A leaders: Ibu Komang, Mbak Nani, Denny, Rama & Mirza and all team members, It has been a great honor to work with you guys and I’m so lucky to have leaders like you in my organization.

I joined Enagic in January 2012. When I learnt that this company was almost 40 years old and had technology from Japan, I knew that I was going to stand up on this stage to be no 1. I’ve been in network marketing industry for 11 years. Rejection, failure and pain have become my bread and butter and I’m thankful to people who did not trust me because they have made me what I am today and they keep me going.

Enagic, with miracle products and great technology, has touched hundreds of million people and has shown the opportunity and freedom to so many who come before us. Believing in Mr. Oshiro’s vision “Bring True Health to The World” your name is no barrier to success, because with Enagic you don’t need to be rich to achieve your potential.

I have witnessed people who had diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and many more recovering from their illness. Their stories touched my heart. At this point, I have huge and strong believe that Enagic will change my life and change a lot of people around me. I can feel it. This is it!

I’m here to speak on behalf of people who are afraid to dream. I’m here to speak to remind people that they deserve a great life. And I’m here to speak that time flies and the body is perishing. If this is the truth of life, let us not waste it. Let us do it because we have Enagic in our life.

In my country USD 3980 is a lot of money. Most of us are not coming from rich family. Most of us are just regular people who try to survive with USD$ 400/month. But Enagic has given us new hopes and dreams to move on. With my confidence I said “look deeper, not with your eyes, but look at it with your heart”. Don’t look at the prize, but look at how many people we can save. If you want to save your life, you need to save more people’s life. After 1 year and 6 months in Enagic my direct has earned more than USD 10.000 / month.

My dream is simple: I want to bring my whole family having dinner together without worrying the bills. That’s all. Thanks to Enagic, I have a brand new Mercedes, a house and motor sport, most importantly, in which I cannot compare with money, I HAVE TIME. I CONTROL MY OWN LIFE WHATEVER I WANT.

Change your water, change your life

Thank you and may GOD Bless Mr. Oshiro and ENAGIC for years to come

Kunjungan Ke Pabrik Tempat Pembuatan Mesin #AirKangen di Okinawa Jepang ( Juni 2013)

Saya bersama teman-teman dari Indonesia melihat langsung bagaimana mesin #airkangen di produksi. Semua suku cadang asli produksi Enagic. Hal ini yang membuat saya makin percaya diri dan yakin bahwa produk mesin yang di buat oleh Enagic berkualitas sangat bagus, tidak di ragukan lagi

Bring Indonesia to the world (June 2013 Enagic Convention at Okinawa in Japan)

Pencapaian prestasi Juara 1 dunia tertinggi di raih oleh orang Indonesia

Penghargaan langsung di berikan oleh Pemilik Perusahaan Enagic Mr Oshiro di Okinawa Jepang

Kami brangkat dari Indonesia menuju Jepang dengan mengibarkan Sang Saka Merah Putih

Berpose sejak dengan Mr Oshiro setelah menerima penghargaan tertinggi penjualan mesin paling banyak dan paling cepat dalam waktu 3 bulan lomba yang di adakan oleh ENAGIC JEPANG

Kebanggan tersendiri untuk saya, karena saya bisa menjadi bagian "Wall of Fame Enagic International" dan saya satu-satunya orang Indonesia yang ada di jajaran distributor dunia

Bonus sebesar USD 40.000 di berikan ENAGIC kepada saya sebagai bonus Juara 1 dunia